Hello, I am

Roxanne Keatings

Front-End Developer based in Canada

Featured Projects of the 2024 Year

AI app preview

AI Project

Leaving your dinner worries to the AI Top Chef 👩‍🍳
Discover mouthwatering recipes with your very own AI Chef! This handy application allows you to type in any cuisine,food item or beverage and it will provide a tasty recipe for you and your loved ones to try out.

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Timezone Application

Travel for Buisness or Pleasure?
Allow this application to assist you in your travels with helping you know your current locations time plus additional timezones from around the world so when you call home to your loved ones you don't wake them at their 3AM 😉

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Timezone app preview
weather app preview

Weather Application

Be prepared Rain or Shine🌦️
This weather application gives you a simple 5 day forecast of your cities weather, providing you with the highs and lows for the day so you can dress and prepare accordingly. You never know if the clouds will be friend of foe, but with this app you might!

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AI Poem Application

Alliterate and Rhyme with AI
Have fun witih the AI Anonymous Poet Society application, allow those feelings in your mind and heart to be expressed with poems to share with the special people in your life ❤️

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AI poem preview

👋This Project was coded by Roxanne Keatings and is open-sourced on GitHub